


1. Dramatic increase in the population factor is the dramatic increase in population in recent years leading to global warming one of the main factors. Besides, it has also seriously Adversity rib natural balance between ecological environment. So much of the population, only their annual emissions of carbon dioxide will be a staggering figure, and the results will direct derivative of the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continued to increase, this form of carbon dioxide "greenhouse effect" will be a direct impact on the surface of the Earth climate change.

2. Atmospheric pollution factors Currently, the increasingly serious environmental pollution has posed a major global problem, but also lead to global warming one of the main factors. Now, with regard to the study of global climate change has been clearly pointed out that since the late 1990s from the Earth's surface temperature has started to rise.

3. Marine ecological deterioration factors Currently, sea level change is a constant upward trend, according to experts predicted that the middle of the next century, the sea level could rise 50 cm. And if they do not take measures will lead directly to the destruction of freshwater resources and pollution adverse consequences. In addition, the land-based activities he a large number of establishments toxic chemical wastes and solid wastes discharged into the ocean, and so constantly; occurred in a major Chinese seawater (leakage) as well as oil and other incidents caused by human activities in coastal areas, environmental degradation and so on that led to the destruction of water ecological environment a major factor.

4. Land by erosion, desertification, and other factors destruction

5. Factors sharp decline of forest resources in the world, due to natural or man-made factors causing forest area is substantially sharp decline.

6. Factors acid rain acid rain harm to the ecological environment has been the impact brought about by more and more world attention. Acid rain can damage forests, acid lakes, threaten biological. At present, the world of acid rain and more concentrated in Europe and North America, acid rain occurred in most developed countries, some developing countries, acid rain is also growing rapidly and development.

7. Accelerate the extinction of species on Earth biological factors is a valuable human resources, and biodiversity is mankind's survival and development. But now the biological species on Earth are being lost at unprecedented rates.

8. Water pollution factors According to the Global Environment Monitoring System show that the water quality monitoring project, the world about 10% of the water pollution monitoring, in this century, human beings are the sharp increase in water consumption, water pollution and the scale is constantly expanding, fresh water on the formation and the need for the one pair of contradictions. Clearly, the treatment of water pollution is very urgent and important.

9. Toxic waste pollution factors growing toxic chemicals not only for the survival of mankind pose a serious threat, but also for the ecological environment of the Earth's surface will also bring harm.











According to the report entitled “Impacts of a Warming Arctic”,根据题为“北极变暖的影响” the Arctic climate is

warming rapidly, 北极的气候正在快速地变暖,at almost twice the rate as the rest of the world in the past

two decades. 过去二十年里的速度几乎是世界其他地方速度的两倍。This is evidenced by widespread melting of glaciers and sea ice,这被冰川,海洋冰层普遍的融化

thawing permafrost and the shortening of the snow season. 永久性冻土的融化,雪季的缩短所证实。The report, published

in November 2004,这篇发表于2004年11月的报道 synthesized the key findings of the Arctic Climate Impact

Assessment,综合了已发现的对北极变暖的核心评估, an evaluation commissioned by the Arctic Council and the

International Arctic Science Committee (an international scientific organization ointed by 18 national academies of science). The culmination of an unprecedented four-year scientific study of the region conducted by an

international team of 300 scientists, 这是由北极委员会和国际北极科学委员会(一个国际性的,由18个国家的科学学术机构任命的机构)作出的一个评估。这是由三百个科学家组成的国际团队领导的史无前例的经过四年的科学研究作出的至高的成就。the report states that at least half the

summer sea ice in the Arctic is projected to melt by the end of this century,

along with a significant portion of the Greenland Ice Sheet , 这个报告声明至少半数的北极的沿着格陵兰岛夏季的海洋冰盖在本世纪末会融化,as the region is

projected to warm an additional 4 to 7 degrees centigrade by 2100.因为这个地区到2100年温度会升高4到7摄氏度。

The effects of a warmer Arctic for natural systems and society in the area are reported to be manifold. 一个升温的北极对这个地区自然生态系统和社会的影响,据报道是多样化的。Since more than half of the Arctic region consists of oceans, climatic variations will he a large impact on marine environments and marine-related activities. 由于超过半数的北极地区由海洋组成,海洋变迁将会对海洋和海洋相关的行为有巨大的影响。These impacts would include rising sea levels; changes in ocean salinity,这些影响包括海平面的升高,海洋盐分的改变, which could strongly affect regional climate; 这将会严重影响地区气候。the decline or extinction of marine species due to habitat loss; 海洋的生物的减少和消失归因于生物栖息地的减少。expanding marine shipping; 发展海洋运输;and the enhancement of some major Arctic fisheries together with the decline of others. 北极海洋渔业的增加意味着其他方面的减少。Climate change is also projected to he effects outside the Arctic,气候变化也被研究出对北极外面的世界有影响。such as global sea-level rise and intensifying global warming.例如海平面升高和 加剧的地球变暖。The Arctic provides natural resources to the rest of the world, 北极给世界其他地方提供自然,which are likely to be affected by climate change. 这是受到气候变化影响的。The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment report 这篇北极气候变化的报告,and other studies agree that, 和其他的研究同意,in addition to climate change, many other stresses caused by human activities are affecting Arctic life, 除气候变化外,人类的行为造成的其他压力在影响着北极“生命”including pollution, overfishing, increasing levels of ultriolet tradiation due to ozone depletion and habitat alteration.包括环境污染,过度,由臭氧消耗造成的紫外线增加,和栖息地的改变。


语缩略词“CCL”经常作为“Climate Change Levy”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“气候变化税”。

“CCL”(“气候变化税)释义英文缩写词:CCL英文单词:Climate Change Levy缩写词中文简要解释:气候变化税中文拼音:qì hòu biàn huà shuì缩写词流行度:2425缩写词分类:Academic & Science缩写词领域:Climate

以上为Climate Change Levy英文缩略词CCL的中文解释,以及该英文缩写在英语的流行度、分类和应用领域方面的信息。

全球气候变化(Climate change)是指在全球范围内,气候平均状态统计学意义上的巨大改变或者持续较长一段时间(典型的为10年或更长)的气候变动。气候变化的原因可能是自然的内部进程,或是外部强迫,或者是人为地持续对大气组成成分和土地利用的改变。