
2.悉尼最常见什么天气 用英语写



5.谁有亚热带气候的 英文介绍














悉尼最常见什么天气 用英语写

The United States is a Federal Republic constitutional country. It is composed of Washington, D.C., 51 States and many overseas territories such as Guam.


Its main part is located in the central part of North America. The United States is an immigrant country with a total area of 9.373 million square kilometers, a population of 333 million and a common English language.










Sydney has a temperate climate with warm summers and cool winters, with rainfall spread throughout the year. The weather is moderated by proximity to the ocean, and more extreme temperatures are recorded in the inland western suburbs. The warmest months are January and February, with an erage air temperature range at Observatory Hill of 18.7–25.9 °C for January and 18.8–25.8 °C for February. An erage of 14.9 days a year he temperatures of more than 30 °C.

In winter, temperatures rarely drop below 5 °C in coastal areas. The coldest month is July, with an erage range of 8.0–16.3 °C. Rainfall is fairly evenly spread through the year, but is slightly higher during the first half of the year. The erage annual rainfall, with moderate to low variability, is 1,213.8 mm, with rain falling on an erage of 143.5 days a year. Snowfall was last reported in the Sydney City area in 1836, while a fall of graupel, or soft hail, mistaken by many for snow, in July 2008, has raised the possibility that the 1836 event was not snow, either. Extreme temperatures he ranged from 45.8 °C on 18 January 2013 to 2.1 °C on 22 June 1932, the lowest recorded minimum at Observatory Hill. At the Sydney Airport station, extremes he ranged from 46.4 to ?0.1 °C.



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In Chengdu,basically November to March is indeed sort of gloomy,and it will probably be rainy and a little chilly.There is a layer of fog-like gray (but not fog) that's nearly perpetually over the sky,but the weather is warm enough for you to wear just a sweater outside.In the summer though,it is definitely not gloomy.It's bright and sunny most days of the week with more visible blue skies than in the larger,more polluted cities,but it's VERY humid and hot.It's known to be a humid region.During the autumn,sometimes it will be gloomy and rainy,and sometimes it will be a fine day with clear autumn sky and crisp air.It's foggy and dry in winter,but not cold.It seldom to he snow there,only one or two times per year.

谁有亚热带气候的 英文介绍

The United States is located in southern North America, east to the Atlantic,

West Pacific, north of Canada, South to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. The whole

territory from east to west can be divided into 5 geographical regions: the

coastal plain in southeastern coastal plain is divided into two parts of the

Atlantic and Mexico coastal plain. This is an area of at an elevation of 200

meters below, the majority formed by the alluvial rivers, especially the

Mississippi River Delta, Delta, the world's largest soil and oil, fertile soil.

There are some swamps near the mouth of the river. Located in the geographical

area of the Florida Peninsula is the United States of America's largest


The Appalachian Mountains located in the west of the Atlantic

coastal plain, basic parallel with the coast, more than 2300 km long, the

general elevation of 1000 ~ 1500 meters, composed of several parallel mountains.

The plain was inverted triangle, long North American and Canadian border, south

the Atlantic Coastal Plains along the Rio Grande river. Western mountains from

the west is composed of two mountains, east of Rocky Mountains, west of the

Sierra Nevada mountains and the cascade mountains. A product of the old fold

after exercise. Whitney Nevada mountain peak 4418 meters above sea level, as the

United States, the highest point, the Cascade Mountains of Mount Rainier 4392

meters, after Whitney peak. Western mountain plateau by the Colorado plateau,

Wyoming plateau, Columbia Plateau and the Grand Canyon, the most complex

geological structure in the western region of the United States of america. The

Grand Canyon is located in the northwest part of Arizona, a series with many

twists and turns, perplexing and deep valley gorge, the momentum of the

majestic, steep rock wall, as the world's rare natural landscape. The United

States has numerous rivers and lakes, water complex, in general can be divided

into three major river systems: where is located in the east of the rocky

mountains into the the Atlantic River are called the Atlantic river system,

mainly in the Mississippi River, Connecticut River and the Hudson river. The

Mississippi River is full-length 6020 kilometers, ranking third in the world.

Where a river called into the Pacific Ocean water. Mainly in the Colorado River,

Columbia River, Yukon etc.. North America east of the Great Lakes group.

Including Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and lake Ontario,

a total area of 245000 square kilometers, is the world's largest freshwater,

known as the "North American Mediterranean", the Michigan lake is the United

States of America, the other 4 Lake as the United States and canada. Lake

Superior is the world's largest freshwater lake, the lake area in the world only

to the Caspian Sea and ranked the second in the world.

In most parts of

the United States of America's climate is temperate and suropical climate,

only the tip of the Florida Peninsula tropical. Northern California is located

in north latitude 60 to 70 degrees, is the cold Arctic climate zone; Hawaii

Prefecture is located to the south of the Tropic of cancer, is a tropical

climate zone. But because the United States has a vast territory, complicated

terrain, different climate. Can be divided into 5 climatic zones: the northeast

coast temperate climate zone. This area because of the impact, the Labrador

Current and the cold northern winter, the erage January temperature is -6 ℃,

mild and rainy in summer, in July the erage temperature is about 16 ℃. Average

annual precipitation is about 1000 mm. Southeast suropical climate zone.

Because of the influence of Mexico gulf stream, warm and humid climate, the

erage January temperature is 96 ℃, the erage July temperature of 24 ~ 27 ℃,

the erage annual rainfall of 1500 mm. Central Plains continental climate zone.

This area is characteristic of the climate, the winter cold, in January, the

erage temperature of -14 ℃, hot summer, the erage temperature in July up to

27 ~ 32 ℃. Average annual precipitation is 1000 ~ 1500 mm. The western plateau

dry climate zone. The regional inland climate, large temperature difference

between the plateau last year, Colorado plateau temperature up to 25 ℃. The

erage annual precipitation 500 mm below the desert plateau, less than 250 mm

of precipitation. Along the coast of the Pacific Ocean Climate zone. Winter in

the region, with plenty of rainfall. In January the erage temperature over 4

℃, the erage July temperature of 20 ~ 22 ℃. Average annual precipitation is

about 1500 mm.

The United States agricultural, mineral and forest

resources play a decisive role, plays a role in the world. The United States of

America's geographical location, climate and terrain structure is be richly

endowed by nature. The United States agricultural land (cultivated land and

pasture) of about 430000000 hectares, accounting for all of earth agriculture

with around 10%. Abundant rainfall, fertile soil, of the world's total grain

output of 1/5, the main agricultural products such as wheat, corn, soybean,

cotton, meat production ranks first in the world.

The United States is

rich in mineral resources, iron ore, coal, natural gas, lead, zinc, silver,

molybdenum, zirconium, uranium output occupies the world front row, but

strategic resources such as titanium, manganese, tin, cobalt, chromium, nickel,

mainly rely on imports. The total coal reserves of 35996 tons, the total oil

reserves of about 24000000000 tons, natural gas reserves of 5603400000000 cubic


The United States has 1800000000 hectares of forest, accounted

for about 31.5% of the total land area, the main tree species are pine,

ponderosa pine, American white pine and oak class.


Sub-tropical climate map

Suropical climate refers to zones in a range of latitudes between 30/40° and 45°. The hot season duration is longer, while the cold season is milder and rainy. A sub-type is the Mediterranean climate.

A suropical climate implies that the air temperature never goes below -15°C in winter. This is a critical threshold temperature for a gamut of suropical plants, including hardy palms, live oak, crape myrtle, and Southern magnolia.


The suropics are the zones of the Earth immediately north and south of the tropic zone, which is bounded by the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, at latitude 23.5 ° north and south. The term 'suropics' describes the climatic region found adjacent to the tropics, usually adjacent to either the north or south pole latitudinal. However, suropical zones can exist north of many temperate zones, and so the temperate zones can only be distinguished from suropical based on winter temperatures.

The term refers to locations outside the tropics where winters are mild and often snowless, allowing for the growth of broadleaf evergreens, in contrast to temperate regions which he cold winters and mainly deciduous or coniferous flora. A suropical climate implies that the air temperature never goes below -15°C in winter. This is a critical threshold temperature for a gamut of suropical plants, including hardy palms, live oak, crape myrtle, and Southern magnolia. Even the coldest suropical places he winter temperatures eraging at least 4°C (with daytime highs around 9°C and lows around 0°C). An example of such a borderline climate is Victoria, British Columbia. Suropical climate zones are roughly bounded in the north by USDA Hardiness Zone 7a. The poleward limit of such climates is higher on the west coasts of the northern continents and lower on the east coasts, because occasional Winter cold snaps reach farther south in the east.

In certain areas of the world the suropics are plagued by hurricanes or typhoons (in the northern hemisphere), or tropical cyclones (in the southern hemisphere) that originate in the tropics in the summer and fall (when the wet seasons occur), but in usual circumstances, these storms should stay well within the tropical boundaries. Suropical locations don't usually he distinctly wet or dry seasons, and he a fairly even distribution of rain throughout the year.

Sometimes suropical climates exist at surprisingly northern locations, including places like Scotland and British Columbia, due to the prevailing maritime winds keeping winters warm.

Example of suropical cities include:

Australia: Brisbane and Sydney

Middle East: Cairo, Jerusalem, Baghdad

Europe: Rome, Lisbon

United States: Houston, Atlanta, Sannah, New Orleans, Orlando and Tampa