


4.英语作文 ,给中文求翻译


Xichang pleasant climate, is usually warm in winter and cool in summer, in the spring, when the sun shines during the day, night rain, but is of the heavy rain today




Guizhou is a city with pleasant weather, developed traffic and abundant mineral resources





信阳宜居宜业,山清水秀,空气清新,气候宜人,素有"江南北国、北国江南"美誉。楚文化与中原文化在这里交融,形成了信阳独特的人文气质。信阳是理想的宜居之城、旅游之城,也是全国唯一连续七年入选中国十佳宜居城市的城市。Xinyang livable appropriate industry, beautiful scenery, the air is fresh, pleasant climate, known as "jiangnan north, northland jiangnan" reputation. Chu culture and central plains culture blend here, formed the xinyang's unique cultural temperament. Xinyang is the ideal of livable city, tourist city, is also the only seven consecutive years in the ten best livable cities city in China.


10月的北京气候宜人,在成功举办2008奥运会之后,北京更加美丽.您不仅可以看到著名的长城(the Great Wall)、故宫(The Forbidden City),还可以近距离欣赏鸟巢(the Olympic Stadium – the Bird’s Nest)和水立方(Water Cube).

Beijing’s October is coming with pleasant climate.Especially after the superb 29th Olympic is successfully held,Beijing becomes more and more beautiful.You can go and see the Great Wall,the Forbidden City,the Olympic Stadium-Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube.

英语作文 ,给中文求翻译

I like the city of Yantai, Yantai is a coastal city, beautiful environment, a pleasant climate, Yantai University is Yantai highest institution of higher learning, has the abundant teachers strength and the most advanced teaching level, Yantai University School of medicine have relatively large scale, advanced medical equipment and knowledge profound teacher and understanding to the Yantai University through the two days, and I was deeply attracted to here, I believe that here I can gain a lot.

I am longing for a travel in Sydney. Sydney is located in the southeastern Australia with a population of 4,200,000, and it is the most populous city of Australia. Sydney is also a very flourishing city with the famous Sydney Opera House、the Australia Museum and Australia University. You can see kangaroos there. And the climate in Sydney is comfortable.

1.渴望,非常期望: be longing for sth.

2.去……旅行,在……旅行:tralve in ……

3.位于,坐落于:be located ……

4.人口(数字):population (numbers)



7.悉尼歌剧院:Sydney Opera House

8.气候宜人:the climate is comfortable



有些时候翻译不能完全按照汉语逐字翻译,而是应该采取意译的方法,例如“You can see kangaroos there.”。
