

3.全球气候变暖的后果有哪些? 要英文的



“减缓全球变暖,我们应该从自己做起,从身边的小事做起”的英文为:“To slow down global warming, we should start from ourselves and small things around us”。


1、slow down

英 [sl da?n] 美 [slo? da?n]




2、global warming

英 [?ɡlbl ?wm] 美 [?ɡlo?bl ?wrm]




3、start from

英 [stɑ?t fr?m] 美 [stɑ?rt fr?m]





slow down的各种形态:

1、slows down(第三人称单数)

英 [slz da?n] 美 [slo?z da?n]




2、slowing down(现在分词)

英 [?sl da?n] 美 [?slo? da?n]




3、slowed down(过去式)

英 [sld da?n] 美 [slo?d da?n]





本句话中无宾语,也就不会有宾语补足语。主语 It, 谓语 is becoming , 表语 warm, throughout the world 是介词短语作状语。全句话汉语意思是:全世界都在变暖。


Most scentists do not suspect the current occurrence of global warming and human's participation in it anymore. They believe that global warming has a disastrous long term effect on the planet and humanity. Moreover, the climate transition will not steadily warm up the world just like that. Some regions will be vastly affected by the drastic climate changes. Densely populated areas such as the coastal regions of Florida would be uninhabitable. Millions of residents would have to migrate to safe regions elsewhere. Therefore, global warming appearing on the agenda of the International Presidents' Meeting would not be a strange case afterall.

全球气候变暖的后果有哪些? 要英文的

Global warming will lead to climate disasters, caused by various natural and manmade disasters. Such as: With increasing global warming, it's survival of the nutritional content of crops may be less and less. This is the comprehensive study of the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide increased the impact of the crops after the conclusion drawn.

A new Britain, "New Scientist" magazine reported that the University of Texas Southwestern researchers in this analysis showed that global warming will not only lead to floods and drought, so that crop production, the crop will survive because of the atmosphere The concentration of carbon dioxide have increased less protein. The researchers said that this result is worrying, because many people in poor countries have access to about half of the proteins dependent on these crops.

Abnormal weather this winter, has aroused unprecedented attention of world public opinion. This allows people to suddenly feel that the abnormal climate appeared frequently, so that humanity is in danger, thought that human beings can control the start Zuolibuan nature. Climate warming is what brought the scourge to mankind ? First, water supply and demand conflicts intensified: global warming lead to changes in precipitation, the global water supply and demand contradictions even more obvious. Second, the increasing threat of natural disasters: tropical storm and hurricane frequency and intensity are likely to increase. Third, the fate of island worrying: Earth polarized melting snow lead to rising sea levels, many islands will be inundated, some island nations may no longer exist. Fourth, the summer heat wave frequency are: report showed that, if the average global temperature rose 3 degrees Celsius, the heat wave hit North America the number will increase 3-8 times. Fifth, the biological chain disruption: biological species will lead to changes in the scope of the resettlement areas and the biological chain to move out of chaos. 6 infectious disease is rampant: through many insects, food and water-borne infectious diseases will expand the scope of the spread. Seventh, the economic development of Mengyin Ying: According to statistics, the 1990s, the major meteorological disasters caused by an average annual economic losses from the 1960s, the 4 billion U.S. dollars surged to 29 billion U.S. dollars, human suffering from global warming problem, which has become Mankind must face the reality.

Caused climate warming is the cause of human progress, science and technology development, the improvement of living standards, said it will be difficult to understand some people. With the scientific understanding of global warming on the deepening of the human awareness of global warming is gradually strengthened, global warming has seriously affected the quality of human life and threaten human security. We can not take it lightly, the insensitive. Whether for themselves or for the sake of future generations, we should actively deal with and seek effective solutions. The ancients are "first world to enjoy music, after the world to show concern and worry" of the mind, let alone the 21st century people.

Although the human warming can not be around, but it is, after all, caused by human activities. If mankind on earth are greatly reduce the emission of pollutants, and can use various ways to reduce energy consumption, promote new energy technologies, can affect the entire planet in some areas and changes to reduce the occurrence of disastrous weather. Controlling greenhouse gas emissions can actually start from a number of minor issues, such as travel by plane at least in the newspapers, while driving without non-essential things, and so on. Greenhouse gas emission reduction, and everyone on the planet's environment, these minor issues may be small, but we all should "not small and not good for."

Deal with global warming, the development of mankind, to get early warning of climate catastrophe Huaxianweiyi ? There is no doubt, only to change development concept and learn to coexist with nature and the market, and safeguard the Earth for the survival of mankind to achieve sustainable development, climate risk of early warning can be reversed. As the survival of mankind on earth, should assume the responsibility of safeguarding the Earth home. Faced with global warming caused by the environmental situation, China experts and scholars at all levels of with great concern and attention, from different angles by various response measures, in order to solve the problem of global warming find ways. However, China's environmental protection a long way to go, we should be building and harmonic society, to achieve sustainable development of the high level of awareness of the problem and seek a better solution to deal with climate change issues to promote China's sustainable development to become one of the engines.



Global warming will cause delayed marine disasters.


Global warming will affect agricultural production. Climate warming is prone to natural disasters such as floods and droughts, which will increase the instability of agricultural production.


Global warming will cause more stable weather in North China Plain, and severe haze events occur frequently in winter.


Global warming will change the ecosystem of species interaction and affect species diversity.



warming and the resulting accelerated melting of ice and snow are

posing a serious threat to the survival of mankind and other species.

人民网-全球变暖不仅仅是温度上升 它的影响原来那么大

Global warming more crisis

We are beautiful and great mother is ill and have a fever. Because of our annual carbon dioxide emissions than the emissions of 2ppm, leading to the increased temperatures. The latest data show, the global atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and high growth rate, a higher than expected. Scientists worry, earth may have lost the ability to absorb carbon dioxide.

Because of our annual carbon dioxide emissions than the emissions of 2ppm, leads to the temperature rise.

Newest data shows, global atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and high growth rate, a higher than expected. Scientists worry, earth may have lost the ability to absorb carbon dioxide. :" we are in the midst of climate change point, this is not good news.

1of our air conditioning high environmental temperature of 26 degrees to26 degrees is because, comparison of conditioning power. The students you know electricity come from? Is coal burning out a year we burn coal emissions of carbon dioxide number but a staggering number so everybody is in Shao Yong to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

2buy less unnecessary household appliances for electrical plant, production belongs to the industrial factory as I have mentioned, industrial plant is the emission of carbon dioxide up to, so, everyone must buy less unnecessary electrical appliances!

3, use less disposable batteries, because the production of battery factory, industrial plant Oh! And a battery can pollute one life needs water so, not only to reduce the use of disposable batteries and run out can not throw oh!

Protect environment is everyone's responsibility, this word is familiar today we not only should keep it in mind and action! Protect environment is to protect our mother earth and to our children a healthy green homes.









